Thursday, March 1, 2012

Scraping Out of Debt

Wow did I just waste an hour of my life trying to figure out this medical bill with the hospital and collection agency.  These medical bills have been piling up and I've gone back and forth about these.  Turns out, we don't even owe for the bill! What a pain!

Would've been easier to have a unified communications platform to teleconference with these different companies to get it figured out quickly, with all parties involved actually involved at one time!

When my husband lost all his hours at work awhile ago, medical bills got tossed in the bottom of the pile for payment so we could afford to pay our house payment and put food on the table.  I've spent the afternoon trying to figure them all out and making payments on them, or setting up payments with our online banking over the next couple months.

It sure feels good to feel like we're getting out from underneath them though.  Even if it was all a pain today!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Husband = Toddler ?

Well, I had a chat with my husband about him keeping his paws off my guitar (see a previous post).  I had to lead him a little bit to get him to figure out for himself what he did wrong.  He didn't get it.  Our teenager, who didn't know what was going on, guessed for him.  Hm, I guess if a teenager can figure it out, dad should've been able to?  I think he knew but didn't want to admit he was wrong.

I gave him something else musically related to do so he'd stay out of my stuff.  I told him to find Zildjian Drums stuff so we can check out birthday present ideas for our drummer son. That should keep his paws off my guitar for a little while!  He's like a toddler - I corrected and then diverted his attention.  It worked...just like it did when my kids were all two years old.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Girlfriend Gifts

The house right next door to us is going up for rent at a time when a good friend of mine is looking for a house to rent.  Bonus! I am hoping she gets the house.  Her daughter is best friends with my daughter.  Her youngest two are friends with my middle child.  I'm friends with her.  That'd be awesome!

I am already looking at best girlfriend gifts for a housewarming for her (I'm really hoping).  I've looked at personalized cutting boards but am leaning towards a wine holder.  I won't drive after having a glass of wine so we could never sit at each other's houses before and just veg out with a glass of wine.  If she's right next door, we can do that and I can just walk home! I'm liking the wine holder idea more and more!

Paws Off My Guitar, Husband!

Yesterday, I found my husband changing the guitar strings on MY guitar to the guitar strings HE likes. Really? He has his own johnson acoustic guitars, among others, and he's going to mess with mine?  I like Silk and Steel strings.  He put something on there that will rip my fingers up until I get used to them.

If I thought he was changing the strings for ME, it'd be different but he's been trying to get me to give him that guitar for awhile now.  This is his way of slyly taking it over.

I don't think so!

Unless he plans on giving me his super nice Johnson acoustic, I think that husbands need to keep their paws off their wives' guitars!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Asthma Treatments

As a mom, I am very thankful to have a nebulizer at home for breathing treatments when my kids have needed them.  I used to rent them but with asthma, it really is worth it to have your own at home.  I had to use it myself this morning for my own asthma! Makes such a huge difference!

If you have asthmatic children, I would talk to your pediatrician about how to buy your own nebulizer (some insurances might cover them). Much better than renting from the pharmacy.

Investing for Future Savings

I am thinking about getting into investing.  I know there are risks but there can be good return on investment as well (and so far, the tax rates on the gains are acceptable though don't know how long that will last).  I also hear gold is a good investment and have heard people talk about how to buy gold online.

I was thinking about starting small - penny stock it is called.  My brother invests and does quite well.  I bought a book not to long ago (a "dummy's guide" to investing) to learn the basics and then move on from there.  I need a "dummy's" guide to teach me in the simplest terms possible!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Adult Bullying

As a mother, nothing bothers me more than somebody hurting my child. The cheer coach at my daughter's high school is a bully.  She and I had it out Friday night after the game.  I think it's time to talk to the Athletic Director.

I really want to expand my business and move out of this school district.  I need to look into triangle direct media about doing that.  We live in an area that reminds me of that movie - Stepford Wives.  I feel like I'm living around a bunch of clones who are dependent upon following the people with the right last names or being friends with those people with the right last names. It's getting old and the bullying this year of my kids - unacceptable!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Federal Government's Health Insurance Program

Anybody concerned about all the new health insurance mumbo jumbo the federal government is enacting?  There is just so much to it that I don't understand a lot of it (maybe that was their point). What does it mean for office visits, coverage on major illnesses or diseases, Doctors Malpractice Insurance, etc. once it is all enacted (or will it be squashed before that).

I follow politics but this health insurance program is beyond me.  I wonder if the people who wrote it understand it.